Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I have a question.

What is it with religion?

I got to thinking about it recently (not too much to be doing research) and I came upon an idea.

If God created humans in His image, then why do we have war? Why do we have crime? Why do we have hate and all the other bad things out there?

I guess one could say that it is because God may be the all might, but he also feels. Or that he still wages war to attain goals that He sees fit for the majority of people. This is what humans do. Or seem to do.

I suppose that an excuse for the reasons we do the things mentioned above would be because, although we are created in the image of God (apparently) we were also granted with the gift of free will. Thus, giving us the ability to do as we please.

Now, to me, this just sounds like a good way to say "OK, so no one is really there. It's kind of a sham". And then that would require the need for rules, or "Commandments". This would give more control to the Church at the time, making the masses easier to control.

This is just my ideas however. I don't know much on religion, besides having a few debates with some avid Christianity fans. I have not read much into the ideas I have just told you. They are merely what I think on the topic.

Maybe I shouldn't do this at 12:15am.

Maybe I should just not do this at all.

But it's more fun if I do.

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